My feedback
62 results found
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH supported this idea ·
15 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
This would be EXTREMELY helpful. Manually merging the two accounts and inactivating one is time-consuming and difficult. Thank you for considering this request.
SusanH supported this idea ·
1 vote
This doesn’t seem like intentional functionality, have you spoken with our support team yet?
SusanH shared this idea ·
4 votes
Thanks for the suggestion.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
This would be very helpful in balancing! Please consider this request.
SusanH supported this idea ·
18 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
This would be very helpful. Please consider.
5 votes
Thanks for the feedback.
SusanH shared this idea ·
1 vote
Please contact our support team, this sounds like something they can assist with.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Does your appointment have a zero location? We have found that sometimes an appointment has a "0" instead of a location listed. Tech support has examined this issue but has been unable to recreate the problem. This causes the patient's appointment to drop off of any lists. In order to fix the zero location, simply dragging and dropping the patient's appointment to a different column will populate the location. If ANYONE knows why this happens or how we can prevent it, please let us know.
2 votes
Thanks for the request.
SusanH supported this idea ·
3 votes
Thanks for the feedback.
SusanH supported this idea ·
1 vote
We appreciate the feedback, thanks.
SusanH shared this idea ·
3 votes
We appreciate the feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
This is an excellent idea. We fully support this idea. Please consider this request! We struggle with his problem on a daily basis.
8 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Reposting for your review. PLEASE consider this request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Please consider this enhancement request! We currently override the billed charge on each procedure line when the patient's maximum has been met in order to bill our UCR. As the poster stated above, many insurance carriers, such as our local BCBS do not require a provider adjustment after the yearly max has been met. So that our billing statement matchs the EOB, etc., we would greatly appreciate this option. In the insurance profile, there could be a box to check to forego PPO write-offs when the insurance estimate is $0.00. Thank you for considering this request.
SusanH supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Is this true for Pre-Registered patients? Or only Existing Patients?
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
This is a fabulous idea!
12 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Please note that adding the referring group to the card file isn't a good solution, because if the group changes the address, one needs to update both records.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Begging for this enhancement request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Please consider this enhancement request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Please consider this enhancement request. Rather than print a label for an individual referrering doctor, we would like to create a mailing address or letter for the entire group.
SusanH supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
We would be extremely grateful for this option. Please allow printing of an address label for a group.
45 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
We would also appreciate the option to select from an existing guarantor. Thank you.
SusanH supported this idea ·
3 votes
Thanks for the request.
SusanH supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Please consider this request. We too were surprised to find thousands of old messages in our sent mailboxes. Messages can only be deleted one at a time. We would like the ability to click on multiple messages or have an option to "delete all." Thank you.
9 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
Our Instant Message program clears message history without selecting the "Clear History" box. It clears messages up until a random date in the past (anywhere from one month to three months prior). Would you please research why version 16 clears recent messages but keeps some old history? Thank you for your assistance.
1 vote
SusanH supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
There is an option to exclude an adjustment from allocations, but this unfortunately does not prevent the write-off from reducing the production charges. When an account is sent to a collection service, and we receive payment, but have to write-off the collection agency's fee, it is not correct for our production to be reduced by that collection agency's fee. When we write off bad debt, it appears that we have a 100% collection rating. Thank you for considering this important request.
SusanH shared this idea ·
5 votes
Thanks for the request.
An error occurred while saving the comment SusanH commented
We currently enter a date in the comment box of an insurance profile. It would be helpful to have a column in the insurance profiles showing the date it was last updated. Thank you.
SusanH supported this idea ·
Please consider this important request so that medical records are accurate. This will save time as well.