Make Reported Problems or Glitches Available to OMSVision Users
It would be extremely helpful if reported problems, glitches, bugs, etc. would be available on the OMSVision support website as a document accessible to users. There could be a user ID or password to access the document, but we would sincerely appreciate knowing IN ADVANCE about problems reported by users and confirmed by OMSVision rather than have to discover them ourselves over time. When we upgrade to a new version, there is always documentation on "What's New," but it would be helpful to also disclose "What's No Longer Working." In our experience, every version or step forward comes with a few steps backwards. Parts of the program that worked fine in the past, suddenly stop functioning in a new version. An example is how deductibles in version 17.0 do NOT calculate correctly. Had we known, we would have manually calculated patient's copayments. Instead, we discover this problem after having to bill patients because of insurance profile calculation errors. In sum, more transparency would be helpful. Thank you for considering this request.

Thanks for the feedback.
EAA commented
The "What's New" doesn't even list all the new components of an upgrade either. And true, there is always something that doesn't work or that OMS has taken away and we are never made aware. OMS Vision needs to better communicate with their users on so many levels.