Program "Delete" button in the Document Center to delete the actual pdf or jpeg file, rather than ONLY delete a shortcut to the file.
Please program so that the "Delete" button with its warning that deletions are permanent actually delete the document (the file itself such as the pdf or jpeg), instead of deleting a shortcut to the file. The pop-up warning suggests that the deletion is permanent. This is true simply as to a shortcut. But the file itself is permanently left behind in the patient's document center file. Users may believe they are deleting or purging a file, when the file is still retained. This is an issue for our office where we upload xrays and referrals for Pre-Registered patients. If the patients do not present for treatment or if we need to upload new documents, those files are forever part of the database. Thank you for considering this request.

This doesn’t seem like intentional functionality, have you spoken with our support team yet?