Create report that gives monthly production & collection and adjustments separtely
Create a report that is similar to real collections but collections & adjustments are separate so we know how much was collected per month. Make up the report so that we check for a year

Thanks for the request.
Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
Agreed but could be done on the same report with a preference / check box to separate the figures.
Currently the production and collection are in a combined column total.
Want the ability to have them as separate totals.
CID 73745
SusanH commented
This would be very helpful. Please consider.
Katie commented
I agree! Separating collections and adjustments would help immensely in determining an accurate collection rate for each month of the year.
Christina commented
We agree. We would like a separation between collection and adj.
Hannah-Dr.Sav/Raj commented
We agree, but we don't really need a whole new report...We like the Real Collection Analysis report (in Monthly reports) - it just doesn't do much good right now with collecions/adjustments all bundled together.