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OMS Vision

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388 results found

  1. treatment plan disclaimer

    The ability to have different disclaimers on different treatment plans. Sedation, local, implant...

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  2. New patient asterisk on appointment book

    When a new patient is scheduled, it would be very nice if there were an asterisk next to their name so it is easily visible by looking at the appointment book that it is a new patient.

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  3. Truform and registration

    I would like to have the truform integrated into the registered patients. We have to register patients in order to gather information prior to the visit.

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  4. Re-Design the Receipt

    Our patient's get so confused by the reciept. Where Total would normally be, is where the Estimated Insurance Benefits remaining is. It would look better if the total balance on the account is at the bottom. The Estimated Insurance Max remaining should be towards the top. The charges, payments, and adjustments are fine in the middle.

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  5. Have real time insurance verification and eligebility from within the software

    You need to have realtime insurance verification and elegibility from within the software. Currently I have to use 2 other software companies to do dental and medical insurance verification.

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    Posting option to apply paymentsautomatically to the location where the services were provided.

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  7. Create the ability to delete a notation of resubmission in the Show Claim details

    When you look at a posted procedure in te ledger and you want to view the claims submitted, often a claim shows as resubmitted but it was done in error. We would like a way to delete or remove a submission line in the show claims table.

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  8. Jpegs in narrative (e-mail/fax letters with logo)

    There is not enough memory within narratives to add company logo/ letterhead. This is necessary when e-mailing other offices.

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  9. Create report that gives monthly production & collection and adjustments separtely

    Create a report that is similar to real collections but collections & adjustments are separate so we know how much was collected per month. Make up the report so that we check for a year

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  10. Disable the automatic tooth number/area on the subject line

    I would like the option to disable the "tooth number/area" that is automatically tagged on to the subject line of a narrative. It may work for some offices, but I would like to be able to turn that feature off.

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  11. letter to referrals

    Save letter to referral in referral section.

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  12. modifier on medical claim form

    It would be nice if we could have more than one modifier on a medical claim form

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  13. 7 votes

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  14. Canadian version S.I.N. # change

    On the OMS vision software, it generates a patient registration form that is pre populated with patient information that was entered during pre registration. This is an excellent feature, however, the form asks for patients S.I.N or social insurance number which patients don't like to disclose. Is there a way that we can rename the S.I.N. line to say Health card # instead, as we need to collect that infomation in order to bill our healthcare system for healthcare insured services.

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  15. Tracking of ACH Payments

    Would be nice to be able to track ACH payments in detail just like the "check tracer" soon all insurances will process through ACH. This would be very helpful for large payments (ie. Medicaid which runs many (60+) payment on that one ACH posting. I have made separate "MODE" types (ie. ACH-MCD, ACH-Aetna) to help separate but can not get posting details to check
    when balance is off

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  16. Treatment planning

    Since our goal is to become a paperless office, it is impossible as of right now. When we present tx plan to pt and pt needs to sign, signature Capture windows appears before we present it, not everyone will sign it. What we would like to see is Signature Capture window to appear after we present tx plan.

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  17. Prescriptions:return the system to the way it was prior to the update,8.18.

    California pharmacies still accept schedule I prescriptions to be typed out on regular paper, as OMSVision had previously done.The current update does NOT allow us to do that.OMSVision should be returned to its previous version.

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  18. Images in Image Library/Document Center

    Dr. Brown & Neuwirth
    When accessing the image library - create an Easy Button that has pre-selected what docs need to be opened so that they are all opened with one click.

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  19. NPI on receipts

    I would like the option to include the provider's NPI number on receipts .

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  20. Insurance Profile spaces

    All fields need more spaces in the Insurance Profiles - data entry is limited.

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