Re-Design the Receipt
Our patient's get so confused by the reciept. Where Total would normally be, is where the Estimated Insurance Benefits remaining is. It would look better if the total balance on the account is at the bottom. The Estimated Insurance Max remaining should be towards the top. The charges, payments, and adjustments are fine in the middle.

Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
Training suggestion - There is an option for a "different" receipt that you can turn on in preferences, if you are on the latest version of the software. Go to utilities, preferences, operation tab. Scroll down till you get to the payment section. Check both "Allow manual entry of family payments" and "Family line item posting" ..... then go reprint a receipt and see what you think! This new format will actually show multiple payments as well.
Texas Center for Oral & Facial Surgery commented
I concur
Danielle Whitacre commented
Yes! Remove it altogether. Benefits remaining is not accurate. It is just what our system calculates. It confuses patients.
Hornaday commented
Receipt in OMSVision are way too complicated. Completely get rid of estimated insurance payment. Receipt should show total charged for each service. Amount paid for each service. Then a balance, if any, due.
Kristi Larson commented
The receipt is very outdated and just not helpful to read. I think that it would be nice to have a few options to choose from as far as what the statements could look like. One, it could look more modern, but our patients just get lost when trying to understand what they owe, etc. It would be nice to have something identify a "pre-payment" for services since we collect the payment before the services are completed - at which time we give them a receipt. We also provide a second complete after services are completed, since the balance changes from a credit to a balance. This could be reflected in a much easier to read way.
Jenee Doucet commented
Also, if a patient splits the payment between two credit cards/methods of payment. It would be nice if all receipts are itemized. Flex spending and HSA's require an itemized receipt. When patients are paying with two flex spending and HSA's the second receipt has the procedure code, but the description will state "patient payment". This is not adequate for the HSA or Flex Spending and results in a frustrated patient. So maybe the ability of a "master" Receipt that is itemized and shows all methods of payments made on that Day.
Jenee Doucet commented
We don't utilize the family payment feature. Most of the time we are collecting the payment on the DOS. I didn't think that we had the "family pay" option when posting/collecting on the DOS. If we post first and then collect after it will affect our reports. The confusion is that the patient's estimated remaining max is where a total typically is. Although the estimated remaining max is nice info to have on the receipt, it is not the most important thing to have on the receipt. It would be nice to have insurance info (like General Max, Deductible, remaining Max, remaining deductible) separated on the form. Just an idea.
Dcenters commented
I agree, please remove the insurance estimate benefits completely from the receipt
Debbie commented
I agree, please remove the insurance estimate completely from the patient receipt. Also, multiple payment transactions, made with different currency should show up individually on the patient receipt.
EAA commented
I also agree with Sajata and Trish
Anonymous commented
Is OMSVision aware that the majority of oral surgeons are not participating providers with ANY insurance company. Why then if does it have such a significant presence on the receipt? This places the majority of your consumers in an uncomfortable and timely situation at EVERY check out.
Peter commented
Agree with Trisha.
SusanH commented
Please consider taking some time to improve the design of the patient receipt. We would actually prefer that the "Estimated Insurance Max Remaining" information be removed entirely if that is easier for you to accomplish. Often, because the patient is referred by a general dentist and has outstanding claims that are in process, the patient's amount remaining is often not accurate anyway. Patients shouldn't rely on that balance given by a specialist where other health care providers may have claims that affect that insurance remaining. Thank you for considering this request.
Jamie commented
I agree. Also, when patients use 2 methods of payment for one day of service, only one shows up on the receipt.
Sajata Strong commented
It takes 2 seconds to print a receipt for a patient and 10 minutes to explain that they should ignore most of the information on it. Its difficult to explain that the patient should ignore the insurance estimate because the computer system doesn't take frequency into consideration and lumps oral surgery under one category, even though it can be paid in different ways. I don't even understand how the system computed the patients estimated amount. Even the payment method is wrong, wrong, wrong!!!