Endo Vision
Welcome to our official feedback forum. Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one? We want to hear from you!
156 results found
Accept multiple payment types during the walkout.
When patients check out we need to have multiple payment options so we don't have to put in one payment and then go back in and put in another patient payment.
33 votesWe’re looking at this for a future update.
Fix dates on EHR under cases
The dates under treatment start date automatically populate as the the date of the first date anything is entered under treatment even if it is a consultation. This date can be changed but will change back as soon as you start to enter in the next date of treatment. This makes the EHR inaccurate and confusing when trying to discuss the case with other offices.
12 votesThe “treatment start date” no longer automatically populates on our most recent update.
inactivate prereg
add option to inactivate prereg patients
12 votesYou can either delete the Pre-Reg patient, or register them and then inactivate them.
Time Clock-Payroll Reports
Create a preference setting so that when running payroll reports in the time clock the payroll date range are automatically entered.
2 votesThank you for the suggestion.
Referrer Filter
Currently the referrer table displays active referrers with a new option to show only inactive. We need an option to Show All in this window.
1 voteThank you for the request.
Preregistration Notes Tab
From NorthShore Endo:
Add a Notes tab to the Pre-registration table and include the following sub-tabs:
Contact Notes
Clinical Integration
Letters Log
This information would transfer to PIC when registered.8 votesThanks for the request.
EMR Reports
From Camelot Endo:
Sometimes we need to print only one page of the patients history or dental records. As it is now we have to go through several steps. Realizing EHR can produce all dental records in a quick and easy method is great but it does not include general information that the patient gives to us when they first come in.2 votes -
Referrer Notes
I would like the info that is entered under Notes on the Edit Referrer window (Main) to come up as notes on the Schedule for any patient of this dr's. I have tried putting this info into the profile and it comes up on new patients from this doctor but not on patients we have already seen. Or add some kind of alert to pop when I have notes on a referrer associated with this patient. From Dr. Michael Stevens
2 votes -
EMR Narrative Merge Variable
Show value on merge variable for refers table. From Dr. Huey
0 votes -
EMR Canal Detail
Need to add calcification as an option when we double click on the canal. Edit Root Canal Details-Under Problems, Pathology, Observation. Add Item Calcification with a drop down list. From Dr. Huey. Question from EV - what should be contained in the drop down list?
0 votes -
EMR Notes
The doctor does not know if there are any comments from the last visit unless he opens each note. There should be a way of directing his/her attention to comments that have been added. Maybe a color change? From WM Bolak
1 voteThanks for the request
0 votes -
Altering payment types
Multiple payment types should also be available when all posting payments, not just when choosing the quick pay or family pay option.
Cell # should come out on the tickler instead of the work #.
Sync rows option for the tooth # in TX portion of the EMR should still be optional. It takes more time now enter treatment line by line per tooth.
Credit card payments should be itemized. It's very hard to figure out where the mistakes are when balancing to credit card statements.
7 votesevsuperuser responded
1. Software Committee – high priority – Add Multi payment button to the billing summary screen, payment screen & rename button to split payment.
2. Software Committee – done – 2010 Annual Update, will include new communications tab that controls which phone # appear.
3. Software Committee – under review
4. EV Software Committee – low priority – currently this information can be obtained from the “collections report” – daily reports > deposit slip > add a checkbox next to separate cc (when separate cc is checked) to “show detail” the detail then should list each cc payment individually like the checks.
Staff Scheduler
The question that needs to be answered over and over is..."Who is working where, when and with which doctor? Organizing this in a group practice, especially in a multi-office practice, is an important service. On the smallest scale, each day the doctor is assigned a chair...there could be a staff member(s) assigned with him. This might appear on the column heading with the doctor's name, i.e. Elchner/Elaine/Dedham [font reduced to conserve space in the header].
Further enhancements would include the ability to visualize your staffing forward and backward in a database that displays a weekly/monthly/yearly calendar view to show holiday,…
15 votesThanks for the request.
Treatment plan breakdown
When I "paste" a treatment plan in order to post charges from the appointment book, I have to manually enter the estimated insurance amounts if the plan has a deductible. If I don't have a hard copy of the treatment plan in front of me, I have to go back to the original tx plan and jot down the amounts in order to complete the transaction. I notice that the right hand column shows the insurance benefits, is there any way to also show the treatment plan breakdown too?
0 votes -
Appointment scheduler
On the appointment scheduler, it would be great if we could hide chairs by the day that are not active. For example, if chairs 3 and 4 are not being used on Tuesday if I were to right click on the chair number and select "hide" it would be great since we run 10 chairs. Also if there was a pinboard, such as in Dentrix to put the patient on while we search for an appointment when trying to reschedule an appointment it would be a great help and eliminate the constant switching back and forth between the scheduling and…
0 votes
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