Automatically create an entry in Contact Notes from the notes generated when an appointment is cancelled.
When an appointment is cancelled, it would be extremely helpful if any notes entered are automatically placed into the Contactes Notes tab. We are currently copying and pasting information about the patient's cancellation into Contact Notes to keep it there with all other correspondence and phone calls. If it does not paste automatically, it would be helpful if there is a check box to create the Contact Note when cancelling the appointment. Thank you.

Thanks for the request.
Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
This is an issue that actually affects many offices, especially since you can reschedule from the PIC / Appointments / Cancelled appointments.
When doing that, the original notes from the comments are gone, unless you copied and pasted them into the cancellation box.
While I don't see a problem with adding the notes the contact notes tab, it should also still be tied to that original appoiuntment for rescheduling purposes.
CID 109159 - High Five Dental Group