Insurance maximums for specific procedures or procedure categories.
Starting to see profiles where the max does not apply to preventative procedures, only basic and above.

Thanks for the suggestion.
SusanH commented
We are grateful for the different deductibles and percentages based on categories, but are asking if certain procedure codes could be flagged so that the estimated insurance benefits do NOT get subtracted from the maximum. The maximum does not apply to certain diagnostic and preventative procedures.
Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
UPDATE - Please note that this feature is available in the current version of the software. You are able to have deductibles vary based on category. You are also able to apply different percents to different codes within categories (exceptions).
SusanH commented
Majority of Delta Dental plans in Hawaii now have this diagnostic and preventive clause. PLEASE consider this suggestion. It's very important to assist in accurately collecting patients' shares. Thank you.
Susan Haruki commented
Reposting for your review in 2017.
SusanH commented
Please implement this option to prevent over-collection and manual calculations of patients' shares. Thank you.
Susan Haruki commented
Our Delta carrier now offers insurance plans where diagnostic and preventive services are paid at varying percentage rates but those services do not count towards the patient's calendar year or contract year maximum. We need to either over-ride the maximum amount to allow for additional payment by the insurance carrier, or we need to specify in the Estimator or Coverage table that a particular procedure code is excluded from the maximum. In addition to the local Delta carrier, we have encountered this with Aetna Department of Defense employees and also military dependents (MetLife). We would greatly appreciate your assistance in calculating our patients' accurate copayments.