Letters to dentists
It would be nice if when we are sending a letter we could pick referral or general dentist. A lot of time the referral is not who we want to sent the letter to. The referral could be another specialist or a friend. I know we can make different letters to each but that's a ton of duplicate work.

Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
When I use Narratives for my letters, I often add a "cc" line at the bottom to include the General Dentist. If they are the same, I just delete that last line. That saves me from having to recreate the letter with the appropriate merge fields. cc or enclosure tags are common on letters.
Optionally, when you email from Narratives, it gives you the option to email the letter to the patient, general dentist, referral or all three, with salutations.
SusanH commented
Would you please clarify how the letters to general dentists appear to the right of the screen? We would appreciate the ability to send a letter to a general dentist as well, and seem to have to make a different letter because of the merge fields. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
This should appear to the right of your screen, much like insurance profiles do when posting charges. You can select who you want to send your letters to.