Health History/True forms
When the patient fills out their Health History paperwork online (True Forms), that information should be dispursed into the correct locations within the EHR. e.g., Patien enters Penicillin as an allergy, that allergy should then pop into the allergy section. Why do I have to type it all over again?

This was added in version 16.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to be able to delete an allergy. Patient's come in and change their minds and we can't change the system.
Anonymous commented
Also we should be able to delete a medication. Every medication the patient remains on for life??
In Progress. Approved. Coming Soon!
Jenee Doucet commented
Anonymous commented
I agree as well. This would be very helpful and save us time from having to input the info in the EHR. Having it integrate would be great.
RRR commented
This is absolutely necessary to keep up with the electronic progress that has been made. There are other companies that already allow all of the Health History to integrate, as well as integrating secondary insurance. It would be so beneficial to our practice! Please consider doing this as soon as possible.
Susan Haruki commented
This would certainly aid in making our office truly paperless as well. We currently type in everything again into the EHR.
Dr. David Swiderski commented
I think this is a critical upgrade and will go a long way in making our office truly paperless...
Ben commented
Totally agree, for each pt. this would save 5-10 minutes easily.
Ashley@Chisdak's commented
It would be fantastic if when the patient is filling out their paperwork online they had drop-downs under the medication section and the allergy section (similar to Lexi-comp). PBHS said they can support this feature on their end but OMSVision can not support it on this end.