Add a Referral and x-ray received section on the Make Appointment page that will appear on the appointment block.
Our office would like to see a section on the Make Appointment page where you can indicate whether you have received a referral and x-ray from the referring doctor. Then we would like to see something as simple as and "R" and an"X" to carryover to the appointment block where you can see that you have received them withour asking someone or going all the way into the file. We currently add it in after the Service code, but sometimes there's not enough room.

Thanks for the request.
SusanH commented
Please revisit this request. It would improve workflow efficiency!
Soey commented
For our office, the date the PAN was taken would be helpful...maybe a date if it's been received, and an 'X' if not received?
SusanH commented
This would be extremely helpful to our office and improve efficiency and workflow. PLEASE consider this request.
Cheryl commented
This would be a wonderful addition. Could we have it revisited??