Financial Report/Key Indicators
Minimize the reporting options and create a single quarterly financial report that includes several key indicators that help a practice evaluate it's financial health. Rather than having to run several different reports (or schedule several different reports to run) it would be nice to look at a single report containing all the information we need. I have more information and some key indicators that are valuable to us if you feel like this would be beneficial.
Thanks for the request.
Joshua Zissman commented
These reports are somewhat confusing anyway, and need to be cleaned up - removal of extraneous information, and inclusion of relevant info. Possibly a survey of practices to determine highest valued data elements to include?
Joshua Zissman commented
And i would be useful to canvas users to establish a good set of KPIs for all practices, and even have the capability for some ad hoc additions for a practice that might have some non-standard KPIs they would like ot monitor....
Katie commented
Along with this it would be nice to be able to see a conversion rate for our consultations we are seeing. For example 2 out of 5 consultations schedule for surgery.