Change how Rx history is imported into narratives.
When using e-prescribe, it imports all the rx history and detail. Most of it is unnecessary info for a report. We have been deleting all of that info. There should be an option to exclude it.
Hannah-Dr.Sav/Raj commented
Agreed. Helen at Henry Schein support looked into this and talked to Allscripts, and confirmed that after we e-scribe, all of the pharmacy's previous rx history gets loaded into OMSVision Medications in EHR, which then of course merges into narratives in the Medications insertable table. Sometimes this includes dozens of old medications the patient is no longer taking. She said to submit an enhancement request here. Case #01962544.
Kris Szegedi commented
When trying to delete an RX from EHR no matter which Rx I'm highlighting it deletes the last RX that was entered in.... Could someone fix this? Very frustrating to the doctors...
Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
When importing prescriptions into narratives, you have the option to import current day, week, month or all. This is applicable to both the table and regular format. If for some reason that is not working, I would recommend you call support. (1-800-323-3370)