Doctor's on-call
On the appointment screen; in the area of the production performance and goals; I would recommend we have the option to replace this information area with the on-call doctor for the evening. This data would be tracked. There should be a set up screen for the doctor on-call service. For example, in our office we have four partners. We rotate call so that each partner takes a week of call. So, the on-call service would look like a sequence of repeated for the year...except...three day weekends constitutes a special weekend. Three day weekends are rotated separately. So, your set up screen may be a calendar with the national three day holidays. It may allow the practice to edit any weekend to remove or add a three day weekend, in MA we have Patriots day, our practice considers Yankee Dental a three day weekend. From the set up screen you can quickly set up a year of practice on-call. Of course the on-call needs to be able to be edited on a daily basis. That way one doctor can swap call with another doctor, i.e. during vacation times, illness, etc.
This would allow a major responsibility of a group practice to be managed and displayed on the surface, quickly and easily. It could also be delivered to the "Compass" screen shown in a monthly calendar format.
EV Software Committee – use the recurring blocks in the appointment tools button.