A way for the provider to print an end of of day prescription report.
All prescriptions that are prescribed in a single day by the doctor should be able to be printed out in a report at the end of the day.

Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
This is a security report in the system already.
Christa Waymire commented
This is NEEDED REPORT as requirements are changing for our general and specialty fields of dentistry this report is key - it is required by some governing agencies - it also allows the auditing process to ensure that the RX has not been used in the wrong fashion at the office level - doctors are required to run their DEA and verify - the current security reports are a mess to do this and when using to report at times are questioned - we need an RX report that shows all of the required information - it is sad that other sub standard software such as eaglesoft have this function when Dental Vision Enterprise is the elite and does not. It would be my hope that Henry Schein would be on the fore front of things such as this.
Janette Whittington (Certified Trainer) commented
We have a couple of doctors that would like to be able to print a report of ALL the prescriptions written for their provider number for a specified date range. Currently only a level 9 can access this report, through the security file (file/security/printer icon). Our doctors are not a level 9 and we cannot give them that access. Therefore, we need a way to print a list of prescriptions for them without having to wait on a home office staff member to run it for them.
Entered for Marquee Dental Partners 326154
Jayde commented
We would like to be able to print a report to show every prescription that the DDS has prescribed in DV (not specific to certain patients)
Administrator commented