allow Prescriptions to be printed on continous thermal paper - it us MUCH cheaper than 8 1/2 x 11
We waste a tremendous amount of money on expensive 8 1/2 x 11 prescription paper. We found a printer - STAR TSP 800 that prints prescriptions on a continuous roll of thermal RX paper. The paper meets ALL of the legal requirements for the security paper. Since you are printing only one at a time, it is much more cost effective and the roll of 500 scripts is much less than a ream of the 8 1/2 x 11 Rx paper. OMSVision only supports 81/2 x 11 paper - We need to be able to have an option for other sizes.

We will be adding an eprescribe module in version 13
Ashley@Chisdak's commented
We would like this too but are out of votes!
Monique Corcoran commented
Please vote for this enhancement - it really saves money!