novaPDF Update or Change to Microsoft Print to PDF
Suggestion: Update novaPDF OEM to version 11 or change to using built-in Microsoft Print to PDF.
Background: We are currently testing software installation for Windows 11. For OMS Vision 18 we've run into a problem with novaPDF. The OMS Vision 18 installer includes novaPDF OEM 7.5. The installation completes on our Windows 11 test machine but does not yield a functional novaPDF printer. Henry Schein support has attempted to fix without success. I contacted novaPDF tech support and they say, "Older version of novaPDF do not install indeed on Windows 11, they are not compatible. Version 11 however should install.". If someone at Henry Schein has some trick to make novaPDF OEM 7.5 work on Windows 11 please let us know or post a Knowledge Base article. Otherwise, please consider updating OMS Vision to use novaPDF OEM 11 or change the software to utilize the Microsoft Print to PDF printer embedded in Windows 11.