need comments box under patient demographics in general tab
There should be a box for free-form notes under the email area in general tab. We have a need to make notes about phone numbers, etc. and don't have a place to do that. Especially when OMS has so many inconsistencies in the way they list their phone numbers for patients and are listed with different categories in general tab, pre-reg and appointment book. And if you use drop downs to select phone as "dad" for the patient then under dad's patient info center it is also listed as "dad" when it is really self. Very confusing when you have multiple family members. Notes section would solve the problem in order to communicate information.

You can add notes both in “Quick Notes” (on the right-hand side) and in the communications tab, will either of these note fields capture the functionality that you need?
OMS associates commented
No that will not work you need to have the info to be seen on the general tab. you should not have to look multiple places for the information. It should be readily available instead of going around the tree 3 times