Deciduous should always be available to post regardless of patient"s age. Daniel Wilkinson, this is a major problem that needs to be address
Deciduous teeth should always be able to be posted. They cannot be posted in a treatment plan if the patient is older than seven. There is no seven year old that has shed all of their deciduous teeth. Daniel Wilkinson, this needs to be addressed and fixed. Just leave them open. There are adults who have deciduous teeth.

Hello, thank you for your comment.
This is a default setting - for a patient that is older than 7, all the teeth default to permanent vs. primary.
You can post procedures done to primary teeth for patients older than 7. To see how, I would recommend visiting our Help section:
Help > Help Contents and search 'missing teeth dialog box' - the first option that you should see is 'Posting charges', this article will show some of the details on how to post charges.
In short, you can right click on any area in the Tx Plan and choose Missing Teeth - from here you can use the Missing Teeth dialog box to select which of the patients' teeth are still primary. Once you select the primary teeth, any procedures applied to those teeth will post.
If you would like to receive some additional training on this or any other topic, please let me know and we will reach out to you.