APPT: Update the in-office status window whenever an appt is posted regardless of the time of day
Monterey: if you post a visit in the appt book before the appt time, the in-office status does not change (the color on the left of the appt block does not turn blue to indicate that the appt was posted). Previously anytime you posted an appt, it would be reflected in the appt book by turning blue. all of our receptionists look for the blue line next to all appts to ensure that thye have posted everything for the day. we frequently post appts prior to the appt time if a pt cancels the appt. we would like the in-office status to be updated whenever an appt is posted regardless of the time of day.

Lisa Kottke commented
This logic was reviewed last year and was changed to not update the status until after the actual appoitment time. Example: if you have a patient that is scheduled for 2 appointments in the same day (Denture repair drop off/pickup) it would change the status for both appts when the 1st appointment was checked in. Now the posted status will not change until 1 second after the appt time has passed.