add a right click feature for easy treatment planning sequencing or phasing
under the clinical tab you should be able to highlight several procedures, right click, and select to add to appointment or phase 1, 2, 3, etc. This would alleviate the time in sequencing or phasing treatment. Instead of having to do each procedure individually you could appt./phase several procedures into visits quickly. In Dentrix this was an option as was moving the procedures into a future plan as well- NICE FEATURE

Thanks for the request
highlighting the transactions and hitting the number will move the transactions from appointment / phase 1 to the appt/phase number you select (ex: 4 transactions in treatment plan 0 - all in appt/phase 1. highlight the first 2 transactions and hit the number 2. this moves those transactions to appt/phase 2. highlight one of the transactions in appt/phase 2 and hit number 1 and the transaction will move back to appt/phase 1 inside treatment plan 0). If you hold the shift key and hit the number, it moves the highlighted transactions from the treatment plan they are in to a treatment plan number that you select (ex: highlight a transaction from treatment plan 0 appt/phase 1. hold the shift key and hit number 1. the transaction will no longer be visible in treatment plan 0. change the treatment plan to treatment plan 1 and you will see that transaction). Please let me know if you need more information
Robert Cain commented
Agree 100%! Please change this feature! The current method might work if you have only 1 or 2 visits as you do in endo or oms, but in perio we routinely have many visits with many procedures in a treatment plan. What might take me less than a minute in Dentrix will take me 10+ minutes in PV.
gumdocsoffice commented
ALSO- allow TREATMENT PLANS TO BE PHASED to show FUTURE and REJECTED Treatment so you don't lose track of what you have recommended.