Call list: When we place a patient on the call list it would be very helpful if the DATE of the appointment would show with the service
Call list: When we place a patient on the call list it would be very helpful if the DATE of the appointment would show with the service and when the patient comes and we post the visit it would AUTOMATIC be removed from the call list.

Thanks for the request.
nerness endodontics commented
I agree. In addition, allow patient to be scheduled directly from the call list, automatically remove/move the original appointment, and remove the call list entry. The user process would look like this:
1. Highlight the patient in the call list dialogue box.
2. Click a "schedule patient" button in the call list dialogue box.
3. A small "schedule patient from call list" dialogue box should open and float over the appointment book prompting to select a date/time. (This should function just like the existing "reschedule/copy appointment" function that is currently available.)
4. In the appointment book, the user should change day to select date, highlight row to select time, and click Finish on the "schedule patient from call list" dialogue box.
- If the call list entry was linked to a future appointment, the appointment should be moved by default i.e. the original future appointment should be deleted. An optional "keep future appointment” check box in the "schedule patient from call list" dialogue box could be available.
- The call list entry used to start this process should be removed once the patient has been scheduled using this process.
5. The box should close showing appointment book with patient scheduled.